Jun 30, 2009

Speaker on July 7th. - VP Marge Bunyard

The Tuesday, July 7 Lions topic for the 6:00 pm meeting will be about DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Speaker LAURA GUTHRIDGE is from the Support Network for Battered Women’s Center in Sunnyvale. She works with junior high and high school students talking about dating violence, and she also provides domestic violence education and outreach to adult groups..

There are some startling findings in the research from the Southern Connecticut State University: There are an estimated 28 million battered women in the U.S.-- more than half of all married women in the country. In the U.S battering is the single major cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44 in the country. This problem crosses all economic and ethnic boundaries.

Invite your friends, including teens, to hear this speaker..

Marge Bunyard, Program VP

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